Thursday, August 28, 2014

VSD Blog Post

 This month I dove deeper into lighting. What I really want to show off in the above image is the purple light on the floor. This is called caustics, it's a very appealing effect that does a lot for the shot. After I saw this effect I started thinking of ways that I could incorporate this into characters. To make it look right though there are several aspects from the global rendering options to the light and material that all need to line up so this works.
 This was the very first time I made UV's, created the textures and mapped them onto an object. It really opened my eyes to the whole texturing process and I learned a lot of pro tips and tricks to stream line my work flow. Not only was I shown how to be faster but to work with higher quality for less of a cost.

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

First Tutorial

Hey all this is the first in many tutorials. This is the most basic thing you can learn. How to set project files. Once you have this down you have 90% or your pipeline organization down. I will show you how to do it and what benefits you get from working within project files. I hope you enjoy it.

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

3D Blitz 2014

Click the link to see my entry to the Full Sail Sponsored 2014 3D Blitz. The animation was made from scratch in 24 hours. All the characters and assets were modeled, rigged, textured, animated and rendered in that window for the final result.

Had a great time with some of my hardest working peers.